About us

Our purpose is to lead each person to have a genuine encounter and relationship with God

The Mission

As in the days of the primitive church, we believe that Christ has called us to come together as a body of believers to serve, encourage and strengthen our community. Our purpose is to lead each person to have a relationship with God and then help others to achieve it.

We are a family, in the same Spirit, with the same vision, sharing every moment together. Our doors are open for you. Come be a part of Encounter Church.

The Vision

Glorify God through our worship; assist people in spiritual development and, through instruction, equip them for ministry within the church and in the community; create unity within the church through fellowship; and equipping people to win others to Christ through evangelism.

our purpose

• WORSHIP - Discover disciples who want to exalt God - First meeting
• COMMUNION - Guide people to know more about Jesus and introduce them to being members of our family - Class 101
•  DISCIPULADO - Estimular a los seguidores de Jesús a la madurez espiritual - Clase 201
•  MINISTERIO - Equipar a los seguidores de Jesús para servir a Dios - Clase 301
• EVANGELIZACION - Compartir el evangelio al mundo es nuestra MISION - Clase 401
• EQUIPAR Y ENVIAR - Formar carácter de un líder en cada discípulo - Escuela de Lideres

meet our beloved pastors

Serviendo nuestra congregacion por los ultimos 12 años

Pastor nathan and lindsay

Lead Pastors

Nuestros pastores vivieron un tiempo de avivamiento único en Argentina durante los años 90 en su iglesia Catedral de la Fe en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Respondiendo al llamado del Espíritu Santo en sus vidas. En el 2001 fueron enviados como ministros a los Estados Unidos. Luego de haber servido como pastores asociados y de jóvenes por más de 10 años, Dios los llamó a plantar el ministerio latino en Church in the Gardens en el cual por 12 años sirvieron como pastores principales de la iglesia de habla en español desde el 2011.

Actualmente, Dios los llamó a expandir su vision plantando una nueva obra “Encounter Church” en español en la ciudad de Jupiter.

Dios ha bendecido a nuestros pastores con 5 hijos, Nathan (24), Valentina (22), Agostina (19), Ella (14) y Nick (11) y una nuera Lindsay (24), los cuales están envueltos en el ministerio y de esta manera, sirven a Dios como familia. Desde su llamado a servir a Dios, hace más de 27 años, los Pastores Felizzola se han guiado por la voluntad de Dios, estableciendo una enseñanza Cristo-céntrica, llevando el mensaje de salvación y santidad instituido por medio de la palabra de Dios. Para ellos es muy imponte ayudar a las familias a crecer junto a Dios y a vivir una doctrina sana.

Declaration of Faith

The Bible is our only and sufficient norm of faith and life. The truth it presents is essential to a full gospel ministry. These beliefs are at the core of who we are as a family.

The Bible

That the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God.

2 Ti. 3:16

Jesus Christ

In Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary. That he was crucified, died, was buried and rose again on the third day, and ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Col. 3:1; Ro. 8:34


In Sanctification, which is obtained by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, the help of the Holy Spirit, and through reading the Word of God.

Ro.5:12; 1 Co.1:30; 1 Ts. 4:3; Heb. 13:12


In Baptism in water by immersion, and that each one who repents of his sins must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Mt. 28:19; Mr. 16:16

Rapture of the Church

At the rapture of the church, where the dead in Christ will receive glorified bodies, and those who live in Him will be transformed into glorified bodies.

1 Co. 15:50-58; 1 Ts. 4:13-18

Eternal life

In the eternal life of the just.

Mt. 25:46; LUK. 18:30; Jn. 10:28; Ro. 6:22; 1 Jn. 5:11-13

The Trinity

In the existence of a triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Three divine persons who participate in the same substance and possess the same attributes, for which reason they possess equality of power and glory.

1 Jn. 5:7; Gen.1:26; Is. 6:8; Mt. 3:16-17


In justification, regeneration, and the new birth through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Ro. 8:1-4,33; 2 Co. 5:21; EP. 4:22-24; Col. 3:9-10; 2 Co. 5:17


In Holiness as a rule of life, given by God to his people.

Heb. 12:14; 1 P. 1:14-16; Lev. 19:2


In the Holy Supper or Lord's Supper, it is the commemoration and symbolic participation of his death until He comes, and it must be preceded by a self-examination of each participant.

1 Co.11:21-28

Heaven & New Earth

In a new heaven and a new earth.

2 P. 3:10,13; RE. 21:1